As Milan and Halil are taking a break from playing ball while having a drink in front of Slobo's kafana, Halil and Slobo engage in a testy conversation the starting point of which is news coming out of Sarajevo about a Muslim attacking a Serb wedding procession and killing the groom's father. Although the two friends are still very warm and affable with one another, the talk of war is in the air and a degree of tension along ethnoreligious lines is felt, indicating mutual mistrust and apprehension among their respective ethnic groups.

During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Bijedić (or "Comrade Džemo" as he's referred to in the newsreel) accidentally cuts his thumb with the scissors.Ĭut to 1980, not even a decade after its opening, the tunnel has already fallen in disrepair as two local village kids Milan and Halil are playing in its vicinity although they don't dare go inside it because-as they fearfully repeat a local tall tale to one another while staring into the dilapidated structure-" drekavac (an ogre from Slavic mythology) is sleeping inside and if he wakes up he'll kill everyone in the village and burn down their homes".Ĭut forward to spring 1992, as sporadic violent incidents that would eventually spiral into an all-out war are taking place throughout Bosnia, Milan ( Dragan Bjelogrlić), a Serb, and his best friend Halil ( Nikola Pejaković), a Muslim, both in their late teens, are still in their ethnically-mixed village in eastern Bosnia, playing one-on-one basketball on a makeshift hoop in front of a kafana owned by another Serb villager Slobo ( Petar Božović). The tunnel is being opened by the visiting top local Bosnian communist dignitary Džemal Bijedić as the newsreel's voiceover is extolling the quality of tunnel's masonry in hyperbolically glowing terms, gushing about the completed infrastructure project representing a key development for the area's economic progress. The film opens with a faux newsreel-presented as a sardonic allusion to the Yugoslav state-owned Filmske novosti news organization's tone and delivery-reporting on the 27 June 1971 opening ceremony of the Tunnel of Brotherhood and Unity near an unnamed village in the Goražde municipality in eastern SR Bosnia-Herzegovina, constituent unit of the Yugoslav Federation. The main timeframe includes the "present" with a hospitalized Milan, with flashbacks to both his childhood and his early adulthood in the 1980s until the war begins, and subsequent service as a soldier where he is trapped in the tunnel. The film features a non-linear plot line, and the scenes cut back and forth throughout the 1971 to 1999 time period in no particular order. Following the success of the movie, Bulić wrote a novel named Tunel that's essentially an expanded version of his magazine article. Uglavnom preporuka, mada je termin emitiranja na RTL-u dosta kasno, a i reklame će ga vjerojatno podosta odužit.The plot is inspired by real-life events that took place in the opening stages of the Bosnian War, with the film's screenplay based on a Vanja Bulić-written long-form piece for Duga magazine about the actual event. Nažalost njegovi kasniji filmovi nisu mi se nešto raručito dopadali. Dvije godine poslije uslijedio je još jedan njegov vrlo dobar film "Rane", mada mi je ipak bio slabiji od ovoga. Ovaj film redatelja Srđana Dragojevića definitivno je najbolji ratni film snimljen na ovim prostorima. No u tom filmu se pomoću dijaloga previše pokušava poruka gurnuti pod nos gladateljima, dok ovdje toga nema. Postoji još jedan vrlo dobar film na temu rata u Bih, a to je "Ničija zemlja" Denisa Tanovića. Također valja i istaknuti da taj tunel kao i čudovište koje navodno živi u njemu ima vrlo orginalno simboličko značenje.

Scena koja me je najviše dirnula, iako neznam zašto, je ona kada im Muslimani iznad tunela puste pjesmu "Bacila je sve niz rijeku".

Sviđa mi se i to što kroz vraćanja u prošlost saznajemo kako je određeni lik dospio u rat. To najbolje govori o tome koliko je ovaj film odličan.

Da mi je netko prije gledanja filma rekao da ću se ja, kao inače osoba desnih političkih stajališta suosjećati sa skupinom četnika u onom tunelu ne bih mu vjerovao. Ovaj film pored poruke ima i odličnu radnju, vrlo orginalne i često duhovite dijaloge i precizno okarakterizirane likove. Iako sam vidio dobre preporuke, pročitavši radnju mislio sam da će to biti klasičan antiratni film u kojem je poruka jedino čime se film može pohvaliti (kako to inače i biva za filmove s prostora bivše Jugoslavije), no nije bilo tako. Pogledao sam ovaj film nedavno i ostao oduševljen njime.